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Start Node and Webhooks

Every Nash workflow begins with a start node.  The start node is essentially a placeholder, clearly pointing out to the user where the workflow will begin. But its most important function is that it allows for the use webhooks. These webhooks let you kick off a workflow based on data changes.  So, rather than scheduling Nash to run at some interval, it will run the workflow whenever your data is updated.

There are 4 different ways that webhooks can be used in Nash:

1. As a POST, with workflow id in the POST body:
URL: https://yourdomain:8081/nash/startWorkflow

	workflow: "633b14fa4c617b3704dd6d23",
	params: {
		wonum: "123456",
		assetnum: "654321"

This method is commonly used with an automation script launch point in Maximo where we need to send Maximo data to another system on a record save.

2. As a POST, with Workflow ID in the URL
URL: https://yourdomain:8081/nash/startWorkflow/633b14fa4c617b3704dd6d23


wonum: "123456",
assetnum: "654321"

This is commonly used by ArcGIS webhooks. With AGOL webhooks we ignore a large amount of the data in the post and then follow the launch of the workflow with an input to query the latest changes.

3. As a GET, with Workflow ID in Query Parameters
URL: http://yourdomain:8081/nash/startWorkflow?workflow=633b14fa4c617b3704dd6d23
No additional parameters are currently allowed

4. As a GET with Workflow ID in URL Path
URL: http://yourdomain:8081/nash/startWorkflow/633b14fa4c617b3704dd6d23
No additional parameters are currently allowed

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