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Nash Helpful Tips

Miscellaneous Tips and Information

Troubleshooting Workflows

Here are some quick workflow troubleshooting tips:

  1. If data is missing in expected output, check workflows to see if data is waiting to be processed
  2. Check Nash logs for errors
  3. Check input queries for expected data
  4. Utilize GIS REST query to search for data
  5. Search Maximo for expected data
  6. Run workflows with logs and no output- check payloads to ensure data is being passed through


Restarting Nash

If Nash errors persist after troubleshooting workflows and connections, a Nash restart may be required. See below for the steps to do so.


Close all Nash browsing windows.

Run powershell as administrator. Enter the following commands in powershell (press enter between each line):

cd D:\ITD_Install\activeg\nash\bin


If restart does not complete, try performing a manual restart.


To manually restart Nash, run powershell as an administrator. Enter the following commands in powershell (press enter between each line):

cd D:\ITD_Install\activeg\nash\bin

pm2 stop engine

pm2 stop server

pm2 start server

pm2 start engine

Once processes have completed running, you may open Nash.

Web Browser: Clear Cache/Hard Reload

When experiencing web browser issues or after a Nash restart, it can help to empty the browsing cache and perform a hard reload. To do so, open the browser dev tools (in Chrome, press ctrl + shift + i). Right click the refresh button on the web browser then select Empty Cache and Hard Reload. This will clear any browsing cache that could be causing issues.

Portal Auth URL

To create a secured Portal connection, a Portal auth URL is required. Format: https://{portalurl}/portal/sharing/rest/generateToken

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