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Creating and Editing Work Orders

Creating and Editing Work Orders

Apr 7, 2020 | 0 comments

MapEngine provides several ways to create and edit Maximo work orders.  And the process for work orders is the same for Service Requests.

Putting the Hammer Down

You may have seen the hammer icon when you’re selecting assets on the map.  The icon is in both the Map Selected Features list and in the Asset Info Card (Set Asset on WO), like so:

Steps to adding an asset or location to a Maximo work order

  1. Create a new work order (or service request) in Maximo.
  2. Select an asset or location on the map.
  3. Push the hammer button.  The asset or location record will be appended to the current record in Maximo. 
  4. Save the work order.
  5. Move the map slightly to see the new work order symbol on the map.

This is useful in those situations where you’re searching for an asset that may be associated with a service call or urgent issue.  Once you find the asset, you can hit the hammer and set that value on the work order.

Creating and Editing Work Orders using MapEngine Only

You can also generate and edit a work order without leaving the map.

  1. Select an asset on the map
  2. Click on the Create workorder Button:Gate Valve Tooltip
    From there a work order form will appear.

    MapEngine Work Order Form

  3. Fill in the requred fields and hit Submit and the work order will be created in Maximo, and a new work order symbol will appear on the map (assuming you have the work order symbols turned on).


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