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MapEngine Release Notes – 3.2.1

MapEngine Release Notes – 3.2.1

by | Sep 3, 2020 | 0 comments

Release 3.2.1

  • Functionality to link GIS and Maximo records from the asset/location information card.
  • Allow customer the option to use ESRI standard basemap gallery
  • Change how services are loaded and handling map load order
  • Use parameterization on sql calls in Java code
  • Clean up Maximo Component Java code to clean up old logs.
  • Update Java JSON library to more current version
  • Remove old versions of JQuery and convert all JQuery to new version
  • Use only custom Maximo Object Structures to prevent conflict with out of the box Maximo functionality.
  • Added check for logged in user on all calls to ActiveG Servlet.
  • Various bug fixes
  • Various performance enhancements
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