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Configuring ArcGIS Services for MapEngine

Configuring ArcGIS Services for MapEngine

Sep 21, 2020 | 0 comments

MapEngine relies on Esri map services to display maps and provide mapping and asset data.

There should be close coordination between the person administering MapEngine/Maximo and the person administering the GIS map service(s) using ESRI ArcGIS. It’s the ArcGIS administrator who has almost full control over what things appear on the map, and how those things appear (feature color, symbols, size, legend text, text case, etc.), so their participation is critical.

MapEngine requires that there be at least one Esri map service published by ArcGIS (you can have multiple), and the URL for that service must be entered in the AGESRIMAPSERVICE table (an ActiveG table found in the Maximo schema).

That service should have a unique URL that MapEngine references, such as:


Key Field. Each feature class in a service that is to be integrated with Maximo assets should have a key field that corresponds to the Maximo ASSET.ASSETNUM or LOCATIONS.LOCATION field.  Also, that key field should be configured as a string (not a number).

Maintaining these keys in ArcGIS can happen in a variety of ways, depending on your company’s process.  The options are:

  1. GIS may generate these unique identifiers that are then used in Maximo.
  2. Maximo may be the source of the unique identifier, and a process to append these values to the GIS data must be implemented.

For Option 1, ActiveG can help your GIS administrator set up a process to append these unique values.

For Option 2, ActiveG PowerSync can be used to direct Maximo to generate the ID, and then append it back to GIS.  Or, if the Maximo data exists before the GIS data, then a more manual matching process must be undertaken.

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