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Adding the MapEngine Button

Adding the MapEngine Button

Feb 5, 2020 | 0 comments

MapEngine ButtonTo launch MapEngine, you need a button to push.  Here’s how you add the button to a Maximo application (in this case using Work Order Tracking as the example):

Create Launch Entry Record

Go to System configuration > Platform Configuration > Launch in Context and create a new launch entry with the following values:

  1. Launch Entry Name: MAPENGINE
  2. Description: Launch MapEngine
  3. Console URL: /maximo/webclient/activeg/mappages/MapEngine.htm
  4. Target Browser Window: _blank

Create Signature Option

  1. Open wotrack.xml in Application Designer
  2. Click Select Action Dropdown and select Add/Modify Signature Options
  3. Click New Row, and fill in the following options:
    • Option: AGMAP
    • Description: Launch MapEngine
    • Visible: Checked
    • Advanced Signature Options
    • Check “Associate to launch entry to enable launch in context”
    • Launch Entry Name: MAPENGINE

Create Toolbar Button

  1. Open Application Designer from the Start Menu.
  2. Choose an application to edit (such as WOTRACK).
  3. From the Select Action menu, choose Add/Modify Toolbar Menu.
  4. Click New Row.
  5. Fill out the fields, like so:
    • Element Type: OPTION
    • Key Value: AGMAP
    • Header Description: Launch MapEngine
    • Position: 80 (or whatever works for the page)
    • Subposition: 0
    • Image: nav_icon_mapengine.png
    • Visible?: Checked
    • Tabs: ALL

Grant User Permissions

Next, you need to grant users the ability to see and access the MapEngine button.

Go to Security > Security Groups and grant access to the MapEngine button, as shown below:

Important: Repeat this toolbar process for any other Maximo applications from which you want to open the MapEngine tab.

Note: If you want to see the MapEngine icon along with the Launch MapEngine text, you will need to copy the nav_icon_mapengine.png file from the …webclient\activeg\images directory and paste it into the appropriate skins directory, such as …webclient/skins//tivoli13/images/nav_icon_mapengine.png.

Finally, you’ll need to make sure that the Maximo application has the necessary MapEngine XML tag applied to the application XML.


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