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Installing MapEngine files in a new instance

Installing MapEngine files in a new instance

Feb 7, 2020 | 0 comments

ActiveG will provide a batch file that loads the latest version of MapEngine from Bit Bucket and copies the files into the Maximo buildActiveG will provide you with a custom batch file for each server that will allow proper upgrading and testing (i.e. Dev, Test, Prod) 

When the batch file is run you should double check that files are updated in the Maximo EAR ibmSMPmaximoapplicationsmaximomaximouiweb (directory structures vary).  Double check that the files and directories are present:

…webmodule\WEB-INF\lib\ json_simple-1.1.jar

…webmodule\WEB-INF\lib\ ojdbc7_12_1_0_2.jar

…webmodule\WEB-INF\lib\ sqljdbc42.jar








 Note: When migrating code from an existing installation, simply copy the files or folders referenced above from the source Maximo instance to the target Maximo instance, moving them to their corresponding folders.

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